Welcome to LBMX's Automated Testing Tool
LBMX's Automated Testing Tool allows users to quickly complete LBMX's EDI certification requirements by providing rapid feedback on submitted test files. This guide provides detailed steps on how to use the this tool as well as troubleshooting tips.
Should you have an issue that is not resolved to your satisfaction within this guide, please contact the LBMX Support team (support@lbmx.com) or the EDI Analyst assigned to your project.
Sections within this document
Scenarios and Requirements
During your kickoff call, your assigned LBMX EDI Analyst will provide a review of the LBMX onboarding process, your buying group's/trading partner's requirements, as well as an overview of how to certify using the Automated Testing Tool.
The Automated Testing Tool requires specific Purchase Order numbers to match the inbound file to the scenario being tested. You must be able to create or edit an order such that the PO number matches the scenario requirement. In X12, the PO number is in the BIG04 element on the invoice.
Basic Invoice with Net Terms
PO Number: 111111
This invoice validation is mandatory unless you only offer prepayment terms.
- The terms of this invoice should only include a net due date and a description.
- A discount amount, discount percent, and discount due date should not be populated
Basic Invoice with Prepayment Terms
PO Number: 444444
This invoice validation is optional if you do not offer prepayment terms.
- The terms of this invoice must include the net due date and a description, as well as a discount amount, discount percent, and discount due date.
Basic Invoice with Drop Ship
PO Number: 222222
This invoice validation is optional if you do not ship to non-member locations.
- The ship to location of this invoice must not be the same address of the ordering member.
Basic Invoice Credit Note
PO Number: 333333
This invoice validation is mandatory. If you do not - or cannot - send credit notes via integrated EDI, please contact your EDI Analyst for an exemption.
- The invoice type must be defined as a credit invoice.
- An Original Invoice Number must be included.
- A negative sign must precede specific values (Units shipped, all totals, terms amount, tax amounts)
- LBMX does not accept hybrid documents that contain both credited and debited line items.
Invalid PO Number
PO Number: does not match another scenario
This scenario displays invoices where the PO Number does not match one of the testing scenarios. You must correct the PO Number and resubmit the invoice.
- This scenario does not need to be "completed" to pass certification. This scenario is only used to display invalid test files.
How to use the tool
Once your AS2 (or SFTP) connection is established with LBMX, you will receive an email with a link to your testing portal. Follow this link to change your password, accept the EULA, and sign in.
When you first log in, you will notice an entry under "Configuration Required". Click on this row to complete the configuration survey. You are required to complete this survey before you can start sending test files for validation.
This survey will confirm the invoice scenarios as well as the specific data elements present on your invoices to the group. We recommend having someone from the business that is familiar with your unique practices complete this survey.
Each scenario and testing criteria has a help tip icon (?) that you can hover over to get more information about the question.
If you're unsure how to answer a question, we recommend making your best guess, or checking Yes, and then contacting your EDI analyst to confirm. Your EDI analyst can adjust these settings in the backend for you.
Testing Scenarios
Once the configuration survey is complete, you are ready to begin sending test invoices! Simply send an invoice with the PO number that matches the scenario for that test through the established connection.
Each time an invoice is uploaded you will receive a system generated notification with a link to your testing portal.
Once logged in, on the main page you will see your active and certified trading partners. Click along the trading partner in the "Active" row to review your testing progress.
You will see the required scenarios listed along with the testing status and last tested date. Click on one of the transaction rows to view detailed results about that test file.
You can click > to collapse scenarios if needed.
The errors listed on the left display what is required to correct the transaction. When you're ready, transmit another test file for review.
To return to the list of files received, click Return.
To return to the list of trading partners, click Testing Scenarios.
Once a file passes validation, the scenario will change from Action Required to Complete.
Clicking on a transaction that "Passed" will also show a message that the scenario is complete.
Once all scenarios are complete, the trading partner will move to the certified status. Congratulations!
Your EDI analyst will contact you with the next steps to move this connection into production.
Setup & Account Maintenance
You can review what elements are required to pass each scenario by clicking on "Setup Details" and then the Testing Partner you are certifying with.
If you wish for additional individuals to be notified of test files, click Setup Details, select the testing partner, and then click Edit.
Each user must be separated by a comma (i.e. abc@test.com,def@test.com,ghi@test.com)
Item Details
Item Details allows you to add and edit product information for testing Purchase Orders. [EDI Purchase Orders must be supported by your buying group to allow for automated testing]
Help & Troubleshooting FAQ
The HELP dropdown provides links to contact LBMX Support (support@lbmx.com), download PDF copies of LBMX's Document Specifications, and access this guide.
Troubleshooting FAQ
Q: The invoice I sent does not appear in the test portal, even though I received an email notification that it was validated.
A: Invoices require specific Purchase Order numbers to appear in the test portal. Confirm the invoice you sent included a PO number that matches the scenario you were testing. Invoices sent with an invalid or missing PO number will appear under the "Invalid PO Number" scenario at the bottom of the scenario listing.
Q: I received a validation error that the "Ship To Number" or "Supplier Number" is wrong. How do I find the correct value?
A: A list of valid ship to numbers for the buying locations of the group you're certifying with was provided via email after your kickoff call. Your Supplier Number was also provided in the kickoff summary email.
Q: I received a validation error for Terms or other fields on a credit note. How do I correctly format credits?
A: Credit notes require negative values in specific fields. This document outlines the requirements for credit notes.
Q: I am unable to correct one of the validation errors due to a system limitation.
A: Please contact your EDI Analyst with the requirement you are unable to send so we may discuss the impact of this omission and a possible exemption.
Q: I received a validation error that is not relevant to my business practices.
A: Please contact your EDI Analyst with the requirement and we will adjust the configuration of your test portal.
Q: I received an Out of Balance error. How does LBMX calculate whether the invoice is out of balance how do I correct this?
A: LBMX calculates the total product lines - and any applicable charges, allowances, and taxes - and compares this to the total sent on the invoice. For details, see this explanation.
Q: How do I send correct Alternative Pricing information (CTP) to pass the validation?
A: Our 810 Invoice specifications provide CTP examples to assist with this formatting. Contact your EDI Analyst if you need additional assistance.
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